The POPgirl is the status indicator for the SHE BON project at large.

I think it's important to note that this device as it exists in its current form, is nothing like I hope for it to be when it's completed.

In fact, when I set out to build the first iteration of the POPgirl enclosure, I completely ignored what "practical Sarah" wanted and indulged "child Sarah's" sense of persistent silliness.

The POPgirl's current enclosure design is a rif on a device called the "Pip Boy" which is featured in a game I've never personally played (the gamer savvy know I'm referring to Fallout). The device in the game is an arm-mounted user interface that displays the player's physical status; whether their injured, poisoned, or receiving any enhancement buffs.

I always saw the Pip Boy as somewhat of a "smaller" version of what they hook you up to if you happen to find yourself in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Again... "cheeky Sarah" thought it would be funny to make a status indicator that was a functional middle finger to the gender biased device titled "Pip Boy", one which expressly functioned to display a female user's state of arousal.

The purpose of this device is to display everything the SHE BON peripherals are sensing, so that the user can view their status at a glance.

If the user wants more detailed information about an augment, they can use the touch screen interface to navigate to a menu which will display the values received from the on board sensors within each discrete device.

I mentioned the POPgirl will change aesthetically... and it will.

Right now, the enclosure for the screen is bulky and cumbersome. It has its own retro appeal, but as a practical piece of equipment it gets a low rating from me, the user.

Now that I've satisfied my bucket-list desire to create my own spiritual "Pip Boy" - I can venture back into practical designed object territory and create a second iteration that fits with the rest of the project.


popGirl User Interface System Test
System demo of the user interface dispplaying the sensor values of the "Propeller Pasties" while both peripherals are connected to the Pulse Pack core system.
BUILD LOG : The Pop Girl Arm-Mounted User Interface Enclosure v.1
POPgirl Hardware and Enclosure Assembly : The build log for the first iteration of the arm-mounted User Interface enclosure with necessesary peripherals and electroonic modules
popGirl User Interface INTRO : v.1 proof of concept |
The mission statement for the peripheral which addresses overall visual indication of the SHE BON augments and their status